
Cyber PLC


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Full course description


  • Develop a support network for Public Media Security Professionals.
  • A space for Public Media Security Professionals to ask questions, share information, and gain insights.

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The NETA Peer Learning Communities (PLC) connect NETA members and provide a space to share best practices, develop professional support networks and identify high-impact projects that members could jointly pursue. NETA’s PLCs focus on Community Engagement, Content, Education, Public Media Innovators, Security and Marketing and Communications.


Target Audience: Public Media Security Professionals – The Few, The Proud, The Paranoid

Course provided by NETA

PLC Facilitators


Ian MacSpadden

Chief Technology OfficerChief Technology Officer, Arizona Public Media

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Ian entered the industry with a computer science background in the late 1980s just as computers were beginning to work their way into the media and television business. The confluence of these led him to setting up early station networks, nonlinear editors and websites, and later to managing large media editing, transcoding and distribution systems for IP and file-based video. Along the way he has had to incorporate IT Best Practices into bespoke media industry systems. He has worked at a streaming media startup, the DoD and YouTube, and brings unique skills and perspectives to mitigating risk in the broadcast IT facility.

Heather Hankins

Heather Hankins

Information Security Manager - NETA

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Information Security Manager Heather Hankins provides critical support within NETA’s cyber environment, searching for vulnerabilities and risks in hardware and software, monitoring and managing attacks and intrusions, implementing improvements, and developing new layers of protection. Hankins has been an invaluable member of NETA since 2015. She has a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems and has certifications as a Ransomware Specialist, Insider Threat Specialist, Security Awareness Trainer, and Supply Chain Cybersecurity. She is a Chief Liaison Officer for the South Carolina Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Program, a member of Infragard, and the PBS ETAC IT Cyber Security Working Group.