Full program description

Learning paths are curated course collections designed to meet specific professional development needs within public media. These learning paths are flexible, enabling you to take courses in an order that best aligns with your individual learning goals and the evolving needs of your station.

Learning Path: Collaborate With Your Team is a collection of courses that strive to help you develop the knowledge and skills to lay the foundation for a collaborative environment at your station, both in-person and virtually.

  • PBS: Collaborative Excellence
  • PBS: What You Need To Know About Goal Setting
  • PBS: Introduction To Project Planning
  • PBS: Business Tools
  • PBS Data Literacy: Analytics For Executives*
  • PBS Data Literacy: Analytics For Analysts*
  • PBS Data Literacy: Analytics for Managers*
  • PBS Data Literacy: Data-Informed Decision Making
  • PBS Data Literacy: Introduction To Effective Analytics Communication
  • PBS Data Literacy: Data Storytelling

*As part of this learning path, we encourage you to select the analytics course that most closely aligns with your current role. Whether you're an analyst, executive, or manager, this targeted approach ensures that you gain the most relevant and practical insights to apply within your role.